Tuesday, April 17, 2007

How to Build Your Mailing List

7 Wise Ways to Collect Email Addresses and Build Your Mailing List
The tips offered in the first two lessons are the building blocks for what comes next. They don't require any cash, just a little time, and believe me, you'll get back much more than you give or expect.
Okay, enough motivation and inspiration. Let's get down to business...let's learn HOW TO CAPTURE EMAILS.
If you're wondering why you need emails, there's a key point to remember:
Once you have an email list, you can begin to make SERIOUS MONEY.
So how do you capture email addresses? I'm glad you asked.
The answers follow.
7 Wise Ways to Collect Email Addresses and Build Your Mailing List ===============================================
You have to give in order to get. If you want people to offer up their email address, you're going to have to offer up an incentive. Nothing works better than something that's complimentary (you spell that F-R-E-E). You can give away no-cost reports, books, software, or even sample pages of a book.

Wise Way #2 - USE POP-UPS
Pop-ups are one of the most common methods you can use to capture email addresses and build your email list quickly and with ease. Simply construct a web page containing code for a form and set the page to open (pop up) when visitors ENTER OR EXIT your site. Make sure the pop-up offer is something that's valuable enough to motivate visitors to take time to give you their contact information. Your offer can be a complimentary report, download, or ebook that arrives instantly through your autoresponder to their email inbox when they give you their email.

-Word to the Wise: If you need a pop-up, you can pick
one up F-R-E-E (there's that word again)
-Another Word to the Wise: "Instant" is a very powerful pop-up offer.

If you have a mailing list that contains snail mail (street) addresses, convert it into an email list by sending out a postcard and inviting people to VISIT YOUR WEBSITE to receive a gift of some kind -- a report, a discount coupon, etc. Visitors don`t have to pay in order to receive their gifts, they simply need to enter an email address.

-Word to the Wise: from the U.S. Post Office:
Postage is much less expensive for a postcard than
a standard-size letter. (Not only are they economical,
postcards are more likely to get your message across
since the consumer doesn't have to open an envelope.)

This is a clever trick that so many people overlook. Put a RESPONSE FORM ON EVERY PAGE of your website offering a newsletter or other freebie. This will increase the number of email addresses you capture exponentially. Why? When search engines index the pages of your website, a visitor may come directly to a page other than your home page. If you only have a subscriber box on your home page, you're missing the boat, not to mention the thousands of visitors who bypass your homepage.

-Word to the Wise: If you don't know how to create an
opt-in form, no worries. 3 Step Secret has a foolproof build
your own tool made just for you!

Wise Way #5 - CONTESTS
Contests very often prove to be a good way to generate traffic and buzz for your business. Create a contest and put a form on your site or in a pop-up box. The entry "fee" is their email address.

-Word to the Wise: Not all the people who sign up for your contest
are good prospects. Many are just contest"junkies" -- people who
are only looking for freebies and have no intention of buying a product
or service.
-Warning to the Wise: If your prizes are cash or large-ticket items,
you should be sure to check with local agencies to make sure you're
not violating any contestlaws.

Most people give their website link when they place solo ads, ezine ads, or other marketing messages. To be onestep ahead of the game in collecting email addresses,
LIST YOUR AUTORESPONDER ADDRESS instead of your URL. This way you can capture email address and funnel them into your follow-up sales letters.

-Word to the Wise: Don`t have an autoresponder? Here are two highly
recommended sites: ThirdSphere or Aweber

Wise Way #7 - JUST ASK
If you're chatting with a prospect on the phone or a potential customer stops by your place of business, don't be shy: ask for an email address or business card (which usually includes their email address).

Okay, you know what you want...you know what you need. It's time for you to set your traps and CAPTURE THOSE EMAILS!

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