Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Lesson #10 - The Truth About Direct Email & Email Lists

How do you protect yourself and your money from ineffective email lists?

By using safe-and-sound distribution techniques that will ensure that your message is always welcomed into a recipients inbox, not his/her Trash Bin.

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The Truth About Direct Email & Email Lists Part 2: What's Safe
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Safe Email Marketing

Safe email marketing in the direct marketing/Internet marketing world is called
This is an important term and one you need to commit to memory as a fundamental building block in successful marketing.

You've probably seen ads in trade magazines offering "Opt-in Email Lists." This is your best bet when conducting a direct email campaign.

Opt-in lists help you identify people that are "pre-sold" when it comes to receiving offers in the mail. By opting-in to a list, they let you know that they're eager to read about something new and beneficial.

Safe Email Marketing breaks down into these 2 categories:
Paid Safe Lists
Opt-In List Rentals

This is a twist on opt-in email marketing where you pay for the privilege of being able to send email to a list of other marketers who have done the same. A paid safe list can range in price from $2 and up.
The advantages: you don’t have to send the emails using your ISP and
you won’t have to worry about spam complaints and disclaimers.

This type of list is similar to a standard "specialty" direct mail list. It’s targeted and aimed at people who are interested in what you have to offer.

Companies that offer list rentals usually collect millions of email addresses by advertising well-branded, popular products and services. Also they may offer no-cost newsletters and/or contests as a way to capture addresses.

Opt-in list rental companies ask interested people to fill out a form on their website. The forms gather as much info as possible, which allows the company to better categorize their email lists according to preferences by industry: gardening, bodybuilding, Internet marketing, etc.

Of course you’re going to pay more to rent this type of list, but you won’t find a better-targeted audience for your offer. These companies do the mailing for you, so you won't have access to the names.

Now, with that being said along with the other 9 lessons, you should have a full arsenal on how to promote your home based business and drive traffic to your site through email campaigns.

Next up…….Pay per Click!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Lesson #9 - The Truth About Direct Email & Email Lists

Part I - What's Unsafe

What you're about to learn will save you time, money, and frustration.
So read carefully. The time you spend today will pay off for years to come and it will put you ahead of most marketers out there.
The Truth About Direct Email & Email Lists- What's Unsafe
Unsafe Email Marketing
Unsafe email marketing is a method many people foolishly try, thinking it will yield big money fast. When you send an UNSOLICITED EMAIL to someone --when you invite yourself into someone's email box without invitation or permission -- that's called SPAM.

If the people receiving your messages have no interest in your offer, or they simply don't know you and don't want to know you, chances are they're tossing your message into the trash bin and you're tossing your marketing dollars down the toilet.

Sending spam -- and that's exactly how your unsolicited message will be reviewed, regardless of the value of your offer -- gives your business a black eye and damages your reputation...and the "kicker" is: it doesn't improve business!

Conducting a marketing campaign using BULK EMAIL will manifest the same results as spam. You may have seen ads that say, "1000000 email addresses for only $29.95."
Don't fall for that.
You're only going to get spam complaints and your ISP connection may be shut down! The reason for this is that most all of the bulk mail lists you see being advertised online are nothing but a list of email addresses that have been harvested from websites all over the Internet. These addresses are then sold again and again as "targeted" bulk email.
  • WARNING: The only "target" here is your money! You MUST stay away from these bulk lists. They're a waste. Remember that a list that's advertised as "Targeted" is probably not accurate, reliable or safe. If you were marketing a revolutionary new gardening tool, would you send 10000 direct mail pieces to names randomly snatched from the phonebook? Or ...Would it be wiser to send your offer a mailing list of people who have recently purchased gardening tools and products through mail order?

No legitimate business person would ever send thousands of emails to random people culled from the Internet. Bulk mailing is unprofessional and makes you look bad. Bulk mailing can make your bottom line look bad, too.

You want to do more than hit your target, you want to hit a bullseye on that target. Bulk lists aren't the answer. When you do a direct email or direct mail campaign to a RESPECTABLE rental list, if the people on the list have never heard of you before (called a COLD LIST), statistically, you're likely to get a .005% response or less.

Does this mean that email campaigns are doomed before they start? No at all. As long as you use emails that are safe, you won't be sorry.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

LESSON #8 - Triggers That May Cause Email

Even though you may have the perfect marketing plan, along with the perfect email sales letter, you still have to overcome the obstacle of the dreaded spam filters.
Spam filters are automatic and unrelenting, and what they do is irreversible. When your message is snatched up before it reaches your prospect's inbox, it's gone for good.

What an unfortunate fate for of all that beautiful sales copy! To keep from having your messages go down the drain, you need to know the words, phrases, and characters that will cause your email to be treated like it has The Plague -- isolated and left to die alone.

In today's lesson you're going to learn certain words and numeric characters that activate spam filters. If your email or subject line contains these "hot button" words, it's good-bye consumer and hello trash bin.
Trigger Words & Characters That May CauseEmail Filters To Delete Your Email
Foolish, short-sighted marketers have created a"crisis" in email in much the same way unscrupulous telemarketers gave THAT business a bad name.
By sending millions upon millions of unsolicited messages, "bulk marketers" have turned consumers into enemies and their email boxes into barricaded fortresses with fortified perimeters.
Utter the wrong word -- one of the "dreaded" TRIGGER WORDS that email filters know and hate -- and you're wasting your time. Your message will be deleted instantly and your carefully crafted offer -- with all those brilliant headlines and benefits, the terrific bonuses, the zero-risk guarantee, and the irresistible post-script...none of it will ever be read!

The U.S. Congress has even gotten in on the act of trying to cut down on the garbage truckloads of unsolicited email that's flying through cyberspace. In 2003, the CAN SPAM Act became official, with laws that supercede state spam laws and fairly clearly spell out what is and is not acceptable and required when it comes to sending email.

So how can you ensure that your emails make "safe harbor" in a cold, cruel, and unwelcoming cyber-world? Good question. The best way to help your message reach the eyes that you want to see them is to familiarize yourself with the TRIGGER WORDS AND CHARACTERS that activate filters and get your message a one-way ticketto the trash. Get to know them and then never use them.
Here's the trick: JUNK AND ADULT CONTENT FILTERS work by looking for specific KEYWORDS, key phrases, and key characters (like the dollar symbol, for example). Filters check the To and From addresses for these keywords. Then they go hunting for those words in the subject line and the body of the message, or in a combination of the two to see what's being used and over-used.

USE WITH CARE "Over-used" is an important part of the trigger word equation. A single use of the word "free" (as an example), probably won't "raise an eyebrow" on a common filter. But use the word a dozen times and it's "Goodbye Charlie." To serve you better, I have compiled an up-to-the-minute list of common "trigger" words and combinations that when used - or overused - activate spam filters. Use this information to wrap your messages in a protective "force field" that even the most powerful filters will pass right over.
Triggers That May Cause Email Filters ToDelete Your Email
First 8 characters of the From address are digits
Subject contains "advertisement" or "adv"
Body contains "money back"
Body contains "cards accepted"
Body contains "spam removal instructions"
Body contains "extra income"
Subject contains "!" AND Subject contains "$"
Subject contains "!" AND Subject contains "free"
Body contains ",000" AND Body contains "!!" AND Body contains "$"
Body contains "Dear friend"- Body contains "for free?"
Body contains "for free!"
Body contains "Guarantee" AND Body contains "satisfaction" OR "absolute"
Body contains "more info" AND Body contains "visit "AND Body contains "$"
Body contains "one-time mail"
Subject contains "$$"
Body contains "$$$"
Body contains "order today"
Body contains "order now!"
Body contains "money-back guarantee"
Body contains "100% satisfied"
To address contains "friend@"
To address contains "public@"
To address contains "success@"
From address contains "sales@"
From address contains "success
From address contains "mail@"
From address contains "@public"
From address contains "@savvy"
From address contains "profits@"
From address contains "hello@"
Body address contains " mlm"
Body address contains "@mlm"
Body address contains "///////////////"
Body contains "check or money order"
Body contains "click here" or "click below"(try using "visit here" instead)

It's going to take a little more creativity on your part to write emails that won't be deleted by filters. You'll need to replace trigger words with equally effective non-trigger words. But don't worry -- that's why the Thesaurus was born!

Today, you've learned how to protect your messages from being deleted by spam filters. Next time, we're going to talk about how to make sure your messages are hitting the right target audience to ensure a "bullseye" for selling.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Lesson # 7 - Take & Give Study Breaks

The folks at MacDonald's are right. "You deserve a break today."

You've been doing a bang-up job reading and learning your marketing A-B-C`s, but without a break, your circuits are going to overload and instead of looking forward to my'll do exactly the opposite. You'll lose interest. The same is true with potential customers. So today, we're going to take a Study Break, sort of. But don`t worry, there`s still a valuable lesson to be learned.
"Study Break" Secret -- SELL LESS TO SELL MORE
Instead of getting tunnel-vision and only seeing the short-term goal of the right-now sale, remember that your email messages are an important way for you to build a RELATIONSHIP with a consumer based on your HONESTY AND SERVICE.
Although you want your prospect to buy, you shouldn't immediately and constantly bombard the folks on your email list with nothing but sales pitches.You're looking for a long-term, committed relationship. Be a person first and a sales person second for the best results.

Your first few email sales letters may prove to be the most effective if they're written in a warm, helpful, let's-be-business-friends "voice."

In the off-line world, we’ve become accustomed to the fact that we hear literally thousands of messages each day. An online experience, on the other hand is still, for most people, closer to visiting "the library" or perhaps watching public television rather than tuning into the Home Shopping Network.

Most people are on the Internet looking for information -not waiting to be sold. People don't want to be pitched to every day with a "you'd better buy it now" message. So don't be a salesperson. Be Mr. Information or Ms. Answerwoman.
After you become a trusted resource, it's easy to become a trusted source.

Lasting relationships don't happen overnight...they're built over time. Your sales letters should be crafted in a way that slowly, but surely convinces your prospects that you're someone with whom they'd like to do business. After you've laid a foundation -- made them happy with what you've given them as a gift, demonstrated your knowledge, etc. -- you`ll have plenty of time to build a case for buying from you.

Once your prospects have gotten to know you through your entire series of pre-written (but valuable) communications...after you've built trust in the relationship and gradually exposed consumers to the benefits of your product or can "graduate" them into your "real time" ezine list.
Obviously, you can't include a time-dependent message in your pre-written letter series. People are opting in to your list 365 days a year and you can't risk that they'll receive a "Season's Greetings" message in the middle of June.
BUT, when you've exhausted the appeal of your letter series, the people on your email list can become your ezine list. Then you can send a Valentine`s message in February, a "Happy Birthday, America" message in July, etc.

You can influence people when they know you, like you, and trust you. Ongoing timely communications means you can continue to build rapport with the people on your list, and you can be sure that if they TRUST you, they'll be open to BUYING from you.

Okay, I'll admit that this message wasn`t purely a study break. But It may just be the most valuable lesson you've learned yet!

LESSON #6 - 8 Steps to Irresistible EmailCopy Every Time

Now that you know what the secret to building your online income is, the etiquette behind it, and how easy you can put it on Autopilot by using autoresponders. You`re now going to build on your past achievements and learn how to consistently write the irresistible sales copy that could potentially put thousands of dollars, if not more, in your pocket. I'm talking about the kinds of skills that don't just build wealth...they build GENERATIONAL WEALTH. You can put your great-grandchildren through medical school if you get these steps right!
(You think I'm kidding, but I'm not - many people are doing just that.)
8 Steps to Irresistible Email Copy Every Time
Before you sit down to write your email sales letter, you've got to determine exactly who your audience is. This is a master key to getting results from email marketing. Ask yourself these questions:
  1. What do your prospects/customers want?
  2. What frustrates your prospects/customers most?
  3. Who else is selling something similar to you?
  4. Why should your prospects/customers believeyou?
  5. Why should prospects/customers respond to you instead of someone else?
  6. What kind of appeals will your target market respond to?
Before an email can generate results, recipients need to open it. But what can you do to spark their interest and get their interest "motor" revved up?
Your SUBJECT LINE is the key.
There are four types of email formulas you can use as a guide in crafting your email. Each has a different PSYCHOLOGICAL APPEAL that works like magic on consumers.
Here are some examples:
  • State a powerful benefit - "Global Domains International Satisfies Your Need for True Residual Income"
  • Pique curiosity - "Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits Has Uncovered the Secrets of Success"
  • Write your subject line with a news angle - "Global Domains International Launches NEW Unlimited Weekly Bonus Pools For Those Who Want to Explode Their Income Fast!"
  • Offer Immediate Gratification - "With Global Domains International, you can start the money wheels turning before the sun goes down tonight"

Here's something you can do to get you started: Write at least 25 SUBJECT LINES before you decide on which one to use. Take the best two and test them against each other in your marketing campaign. (Save the "losers" to use for other purposes or spruce up later.)

Sit down and write every conceivable benefit your product has. Don't know the difference between features and benefits? Features describe the product; benefits describe the results of using the product. Features appeal to logic...logic justifies emotion...emotion drives sales (see below).
  • Here's a rule of thumb for benefits: ask yourself "What can my product or service do for my customer?" Then begin to write your letter telling your reader WHAT'S IN IT FOR THEM. Tell them how much better life will be for them after they buy from you. Tell them how much better they'll feel. Tell them how their peers will respect them more.

When promoting anything to anybody, you must remember that buying decisions are based upon emotion and later backed up by logic. Before you write a single word, determine what emotional hot buttons you need to push to "jumpstart" your prospect.
Selling health supplements? Go for the "fear of illness" button with "A Natural Way to Save Your Eyesight." Selling political bumper stickers? Hit the "anger" button with: "Let the President Know What You Think of His Policies." Other buttons include: curiosity, greed, ego, vanity, hope, and/or fear of scarcity or security.

To convince people to buy your product or service, you must make them believe that your offer is credible and that you (or your product)will deliver as promised. How do you do that? Here are three ways you can build credibility with the readers of your sales letter:
  • Provide testimonials.
  • Include endorsement letters from authorityfigures in your industry.
  • Make your offer and promises sincere andbelievable.

Nowadays, trying to sell without some type of guarantee is a losing proposition. You've got to have one. And the stronger your guarantee, the better your response will be. And, believe it or not, although most people will NOT ask for a refund, they'll trust your offer knowing that you stand behind it. You can offer a 24-hour, 30-day, 60-day, 90-day,or even a full-year. And here's an interesting fact: The longer the time period, the fewer returns you'll have! It's human nature to procrastinate, so the more time someone thinks they have to get a refund, the more they'll put it off or forget about the refund altogether.

It happens all the time. Someone makes a fantastic sales presentation, and then doesn't close the deal because he/she didn`t clearly ask for the order or made the process confusing rather than simple.
  • From the Research Department: Statistics show that you need to ask for the order at least three times to close substantial sales. (Some studies put the number at 7!)
If you can, offer several ways for your prospects to order -- consumers love choice. It tells them,"You're talking directly to me and meeting my unique needs." If you only offer one way to order, make it crystal clear how AND how easy it is. Describe it in detail and ask for the order. Then ask again.

It`s a well-known fact: Large blocks of copy are intimidating and will often send people running for the hills or at least the Delete button.
The solution? Break up paragraphs into two to four sentences. Use several subheadings throughout the email letter. And use asterisks, dashes, and ellipses (...) to give your copy more rhythm.
  • Bullet points are excellent eye-catchers- use them whenever appropriate.

That's a wrap for this lesson. Next time we`ll be saluting "Triggers." No, not horses named in honorof Roy Rogers old steed -- trigger WORDS that will have consumers begging you to take the money out of their wallets.

LESSON #5 - Using Autoresponders To Multiply Marketing Power & Save Time!

Today's lesson is going to introduce you to your new best friend -- the autoresponder.
One of the best ways to cultivate new business and save hours of time is to use an autoresponder. An autoresponder gives you the ability to follow-up *automatically* on the email addresses you capture.
Instead of wasting hours following up manually, you can let your autoresponder follow up while you do the things that you do best -- build your business...putter in the your kids around the house...catch up on your power-napping.
If you have an autoresponder, today`s lesson will show you how to make it super-effective. If you don't have an autoresponder, Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits is the place to go: 3StepSecret

(As so many of our subscribers already know, Pay-ItForward 4 Profits is truly dedicated to providing an ALL-IN-ONE SOLUTION to the challenges of selling on the Internet. I hope you`ll visit our site and let us "show you around")
Using Autoresponders To Multiply Marketing Power & Save Time!
An autoresponder gives you the ability to send messages effortlessly for months on end. So if you captured an email address six months ago, your autoresponder can repeatedly contact that person to offer your product or service.

Repeat contact is a concept that top marketers first used effectively in the offline world. When you conduct a direct mail campaign, you send out message after message until it's no longer cost-effective. This strategy yields a much higher response rate than witha one-shot mailing (typically just 1% or less).
-From the Research Labs: Research shows that, on average,
before you have any real chance atclosing a sale.

If you apply this strategy to your Internet marketing campaigns, you`ll have a real edge over the competition. Remember: 90% of businesses do not follow-up with prospects!

You don`t want an email-inbox crammed with ads and sales letters, and neither does anyone else. Don't send out sales letter after sales letter. Your messages will become an annoyance and the recipient will either unsubscribe or just delete the messages when ever they arrive. By sending a series of sales letters SPACED A PART BY 2-4 DAYS, you`ll keep your prospect aware of your business and develop credibility over time without being a pest.

Send freebies such as ebooks, info reports, newsletters, software, or even product samples. Many marketers use this approach by offering a newsletter.-Sneaky Salesmanship: Within the newsletter you have an excellent opportunity to plug your product with a few lines of irresistible copy. With the soft sell approach, you can contact your prospect once or even twice a week with "valuable information" -- which coincidentally mentions your product or service -- without seeming like you're over-selling. If you're a vacuum cleaner distributor, for example, send a newsletter on allergies and dust mites.

Give away a valuable training course via email that has special appeal to your recipients! You can create a simple 3-day, 5-day, 7 day, or even longer course. And at the end of some of the course lessons you can add a few lines of copy plugging your product or service. This too is a soft sell approach.

Use a variation of the hard sell, soft sell approach. Simply alternate your messages. A balance of 40%hard-sell and 60% soft-sell is generally about right.

Good luck!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

LESSON #4 - Harnessing the Power of Email Marketing

First, I`d like you to consider these four facts:
*A DIRECT MAIL PIECE costs about 50-cents in postage alone. (And then you have to factor in paper and printing costs.)
*A PHONE CALL can cost just as much - or more -than a direct mail piece.
*A PHONE CALL wastes time (and time is money) because you'll spend precious minutes – sometimes hours or days - trying to contact the right person.
*A MESSAGE left on voice mail is almost always a waste of time, and therefore a waste of money.

Depressing? Not at all. After you read this today’s.
"MARKETING CONCEPTS THAT GUARANTEE SUCCESS" lesson, you’ll be able to say "NO" to the downside of phone calls and direct mail and "YES" to the upside of email.Read on ...
Harnessing the Power of Email Marketing
Given the inherent problems with traditional marketing techniques, it’s important to master the BASIC STRATEGIES FOR INTEGRATING EMAIL into your overall campaign.
As I’ve just shown you, sending out an EMAIL CAN BE MUCH CHEAPER than other marketing methods. Proceed with caution, however.
Email can also cost you a fortune -- in lost opportunities AND cold hard cash --
IF you don’t know the basics. So that’s where we’re going to start. First, always keep in mind that your "primary objective", the master key that unlocks your "Success Vault" in Internet Marketing is to build your mailing list – your EMAIL MAILING LIST.

The addresses you collect are going to mean the difference between the middle-of-the-road results that Average Joe and Jane are achieving and the through-the-roof, over-the-top, MEGA-success that top online sellers achieve. (The difference really is that dramatic.) So don’t miss the boat: The time is NOW to start building your list of email addresses (prospects).

You can begin to grow your list simply by capturing emails from people who visit your
website, as we have already discussed in a previous lesson.
Pop Quiz:
What’s the easiest way to convince people to give you their email address?
(Answer: Offer an irresistible freebie with a sign-up form on your site or in a pop-up box,
drive traffic to your site, and watch as people start entering their email address.
Don't have a freebie? Get a good one from the Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits treasure chest!)

Okay, so now you’re "in the groove". You’re capturing people’s emails like crazy. But if you’re just sitting there - well, you know the old saying, "Even if you’re onthe right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there."
So what next?-- Let me take a moment from telling how to build your email list to remind you why. It’s been said that –
Think about that. Then stop thinking and get going on new ways to capture and keep email addresses. Still confused? Check out Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits and say goodbye to confusion, and hello to profits.

If you want to keep getting addresses, start giving stuff away! Give, give, and keep finding more things to give! And since you can’t send a TOASTER through email, why not give the far more valuable -- and far more affordable for you -- INFORMATION PRODUCTS, business tools, and expert advice - maybe even a no-cost/obligation email marketing course like this one!

You'll want to have a series of letters already set up so that they can be "dripped" on your prospects on a regular basis. Send a message daily, every other day, or on whatever schedule suits you best, but make contact AT LEAST EVERY 7 DAYS.
If you’re not confident in your writing skills, you have two choices: you can hire a professional to write the letters for you or you can use a system already set up with letters to help you build your email list. (I suppose the third choice is to just give up and bury you’re head in the sand, but that’s no way to make a million!)

If you’re serious about this - and you should be - believe me -- you really should consider tapping into the system offered by Paul Birdsall & Joel Broughton. At the Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits - 3 Step Secret site, you can access an entire AUTOMATED leads/giveaway/database marketing ALL-IN-ONE SYSTEM that makes it easy for your revenues to soar.

See you tomorrow for the next Email Marketing Tip.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

How to Build Your Mailing List

7 Wise Ways to Collect Email Addresses and Build Your Mailing List
The tips offered in the first two lessons are the building blocks for what comes next. They don't require any cash, just a little time, and believe me, you'll get back much more than you give or expect.
Okay, enough motivation and inspiration. Let's get down to business...let's learn HOW TO CAPTURE EMAILS.
If you're wondering why you need emails, there's a key point to remember:
Once you have an email list, you can begin to make SERIOUS MONEY.
So how do you capture email addresses? I'm glad you asked.
The answers follow.
7 Wise Ways to Collect Email Addresses and Build Your Mailing List ===============================================
You have to give in order to get. If you want people to offer up their email address, you're going to have to offer up an incentive. Nothing works better than something that's complimentary (you spell that F-R-E-E). You can give away no-cost reports, books, software, or even sample pages of a book.

Wise Way #2 - USE POP-UPS
Pop-ups are one of the most common methods you can use to capture email addresses and build your email list quickly and with ease. Simply construct a web page containing code for a form and set the page to open (pop up) when visitors ENTER OR EXIT your site. Make sure the pop-up offer is something that's valuable enough to motivate visitors to take time to give you their contact information. Your offer can be a complimentary report, download, or ebook that arrives instantly through your autoresponder to their email inbox when they give you their email.

-Word to the Wise: If you need a pop-up, you can pick
one up F-R-E-E (there's that word again)
-Another Word to the Wise: "Instant" is a very powerful pop-up offer.

If you have a mailing list that contains snail mail (street) addresses, convert it into an email list by sending out a postcard and inviting people to VISIT YOUR WEBSITE to receive a gift of some kind -- a report, a discount coupon, etc. Visitors don`t have to pay in order to receive their gifts, they simply need to enter an email address.

-Word to the Wise: from the U.S. Post Office:
Postage is much less expensive for a postcard than
a standard-size letter. (Not only are they economical,
postcards are more likely to get your message across
since the consumer doesn't have to open an envelope.)

This is a clever trick that so many people overlook. Put a RESPONSE FORM ON EVERY PAGE of your website offering a newsletter or other freebie. This will increase the number of email addresses you capture exponentially. Why? When search engines index the pages of your website, a visitor may come directly to a page other than your home page. If you only have a subscriber box on your home page, you're missing the boat, not to mention the thousands of visitors who bypass your homepage.

-Word to the Wise: If you don't know how to create an
opt-in form, no worries. 3 Step Secret has a foolproof build
your own tool made just for you!

Wise Way #5 - CONTESTS
Contests very often prove to be a good way to generate traffic and buzz for your business. Create a contest and put a form on your site or in a pop-up box. The entry "fee" is their email address.

-Word to the Wise: Not all the people who sign up for your contest
are good prospects. Many are just contest"junkies" -- people who
are only looking for freebies and have no intention of buying a product
or service.
-Warning to the Wise: If your prizes are cash or large-ticket items,
you should be sure to check with local agencies to make sure you're
not violating any contestlaws.

Most people give their website link when they place solo ads, ezine ads, or other marketing messages. To be onestep ahead of the game in collecting email addresses,
LIST YOUR AUTORESPONDER ADDRESS instead of your URL. This way you can capture email address and funnel them into your follow-up sales letters.

-Word to the Wise: Don`t have an autoresponder? Here are two highly
recommended sites: ThirdSphere or Aweber

Wise Way #7 - JUST ASK
If you're chatting with a prospect on the phone or a potential customer stops by your place of business, don't be shy: ask for an email address or business card (which usually includes their email address).

Okay, you know what you know what you need. It's time for you to set your traps and CAPTURE THOSE EMAILS!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Lesson #2 - Email Aesthetics

It's an old, old saying, but it’s true:
"You only have one chance to make a good first impression."
And in an email, the first impression will make or break your business.

Did you ever have an ugly looking email land in your inbox?
You know what I’m talking about: an orange background and yellow borders, multi-colored text in all sizes from gigantic to microscopic, a message that looks like it was created by a crazed six-year-old? If you did, I bet you didn’t feel the urge to read it. You probably just wanted to delete it as quickly as possible.

You want your email message to be friendly and inviting, not bizarre and scary. The suggestions below – and they're just suggestions, not hard and fast rules -- will go a long way towards making recipients` eyes say "come on in!" to your message.


  • DON`T use COLOR fonts in your message.
  • DO use BLACK TEXT ON A WHITE BACKGROUND. (When you're "speaking" in black-and-white, people will give their full attention to your message without being distracted by your color scheme.)
  • DON`T use UNCOMMON FONTS. (If someone's system doesn't recognize the font you’ve selected, they could see gibberish instead of your brilliant message).
  • DO use COMMON FONTS: Arial, Times New Roman, and Courier New.
  • DON`T use flashing buttons or banners in your email!
  • DO use HYPERLINKS (Hyperlinks is their gateway to you-lead them to where you want them to go)
  • ALWAYS use SIGNATURE TAGS (This will give your reader a look at who you are

Easy as pie...and the results will amaze you!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

10 Essential Marketing Tips

In my daily receipt of emails and newsletters I found this recent series an excellent lesson for beginning internet marketers. They are full of information so I'll post one lesson at a time.
The key behind these lessons is to build a subscriber following which will build your business exponentially.
Follow these techniques and you will be on your way to building a successful home based business.

Lesson #1
Essential Rules For Effective Email Marketing

If you want an email campaign to succeed, you don't want to offend anyone when sending your messages. Turn off a consumer with your email and you can be sure they'll tune out your message.
Don`t let this happen to you!
A message that earns respect makes sales. That's why the first lesson is email etiquette.
Train yourself to stick to the rules below when crafting your email messages.
Whenever you write an email, always format the lines so that they're 65 characters, or less, across. To do this, you may need to do a "hard return" by hitting"Enter" at the end of the line. Wondering why to limit your lines to just 65 characters? (Good question! It shows you`re thinking.) There are two reasons that "less is more":--
  • The first thing to remember is that looking at a computer screen for a long time causes EYE FATIGUE for many readers. The shorter span of characters across the screen makes reading easier and more appealing to the recipient of your email message.--

  • The other reason to go short instead of long is this:some email clients AUTOMATICALLY ENFORCE LINE-WRAPPING at 60-65 characters on received messages. If your email is wrapped at 70, the content will arrive all "chopped up." This makes it unattractive...and worse -- unappealing.--

  • Tip #1: Email clients such as OutlookExpress allow you to SET THE LINE-WRAP to any character-width you choose. That means you won`thave to hit Enter each time after typing 65 characters. Makes life easier!--

  • Tip #2 - You can type 65 asterisks ordashes in a Notepad file to create a template. Thenpaste your email below it to see if any lines extend toofar to the right.


How many times have you changed the TV channel to avoid listening to a screaming car salesperson? No one likes a screaming salesperson...and no one likes a"screaming" email message, either. Odds are, when someone has over-amped the volume of their message by using too many capital letters (not to mention too many exclamation points and other punctuation) -you`re going to be turned off.

On the Internet, email messages written in all caps are considered yelling. It`s okay to write some sentences and some words in all caps, but don`t go overboard. (Asyou can see in this message, I`ve tried to use capital letters to help break up sections of the content from time to time)--

  • Tip #1: Consumers buy from a source they trust. Emails in all caps are perceived as "shady" or uneducated, and have an appearance that damages the credibility of an offer.

RULE #3 - WATCH YOUR Ps & Qs (Spelling andGrammar)

Would you be influenced by an email selling you something that had noticeable spelling and grammar mistakes? Sureyou would...and the influence would be negative, not positive! When a consumer reads a sales message that's filled with errors, they think to themselves, "Good grief, this person doesn`t even take the time to get his emails right. His product is probably the same quality as his emails.

"When you're in business, YOUR IMAGE IS YOUR REPUTATION and your reputation is the reason people buy from you or the guy down the block. It's essential that you create an image of INTEGRITY, CREDIBILITY, and HONESTY in the mind of your prospects. Sending emails filled with errors doesn't hurt your professional destroys it. (Ouch!)

Follows these three simple steps in email formatting and you are on your way to building a subscriber list that trusts you.

A person who trusts you is more apt to buy from you than one who doesn't trust you.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Knowing when to switch gears.

In my last post we spoke about taking action and making a commitment.
So my next question would be.......

How long do you commit to something if it isn't working?

For example, a couple of months ago, my girlfriend sent me a link to "make money filling out surveys." Well, the hype said you can make anywhere from $5 - $35 per survey so I thought, "What the heck, I've got time on my hands, my online business is running on it's own and I'm always interested in some more residual income." Did I mention it was a free program too.

So, I commited to answering at least 5 surveys a day and volunteering on a panel at least once a week. Well, it's been exactly 2 months and 18 days since I started and I've made $100 but have spent.........$500+

Ohhhhh, that's right, did I forget to tell you that the survey's that actually pay are those that REQUIRE you to accept at least 1 of their Platinum offers, 2 of their Gold offers, and 3 of their Silver offers.

I don't think I've seen a bigger scam since Herba Life products saturated the market!

So, I ask myself, have I given this a fair try, commited to the project enough to make a judgement of whether it is working? I think I have.

Remember, commitment is a two-sided street. If you have commited and given the business 110% but the project isn't paying you back, it's time to move on!

But this doesn't mean give up! There are plenty of opportunities out there. Some of which are legitimate and given the sweat and effort, you can be successful.

Monday, April 9, 2007

The 7 decisions for success.

How do you define success?

To most of us that is a personal question that results in a unique answer.
Well regardless of the answer - you still need a path to get there, right?

Here are 7 decisions you need to make before success is attainable.

  1. The Buck Stops Here! I will begin the process of changing where I am- by changing the way I think.
  2. I Will Seek Wisdom! I will listen to the counsel of wise men. The words of wise men are like raindrops on dry ground.
  3. I Am A Person of Action! I inspire others with my activity. I am a leader. Leading is doing. To lead I must move forward.
  4. I have a Decided heart! I am passionate about my vision for the future. I will not wait, my course has been charted. My destiny is assured- I have a decided heart.
  5. Today I will Choose To Be Happy! Today I will greet each day with laughter. I will smile at every person I meet. I am a possessor of a grateful spirit. Today I choose to be happy.
  6. I Will Greet This Day With A Forgiving Spirit! I will greet this day with a forgiving spirit, from this day forward my history will cease to control my destiny. I have forgiven myself, my life has just begun.
  7. I Will Persist Without Exception! I will persist without exception- I have faith in my future. I do not look left or right. I look forward. I can only persist.

Make these decisions, follow through on their intended actions, and the rest simply falls in line.


So you've done your research and planned your attack. NOW GET STARTED!

Commitment plays a huge factor in your success as an online business entrepreneur.

How many hours did you commit to the project? 5, 10, 20? Well, I can tell you, you need to at least commit 1 hour a day to become a productive online business owner.
  • You need to commit to learning about your product.
  • You need to commit to advertising your product.
  • You need to commit to your contact list.
  • You need to commit to improving your business strategy.
Are you willing to arrange time to ensure you learn all there is to know about your product so when your customer asks you are not flailing for answers?

Are you willing to arrange time to ensure your Google Adwords campaign is as strong as it can be and converting searchers into buyers?

Are you willing to personally call your contacts including customers and see how they are doing and if you can help them?

Are you willing to take the time to do continual research to learn new ways to improve your business?

You can't just start up an online business and think it will run automatically. Yes, I know, plenty of home-based businesses advertise that there system will work for you while you sleep. But that is UNTRUE.

All the "system" does is gather your contacts in one convenient place and feed them emails. But, you need to be the one to make contact. Show your prospects you are a real person. That you are passionate about the product, the business, and them.

The more time you commit, the better the results.

Fortunes do not happen overnight regardless of all the hype.
Give yourself time to build your fortune instead of expecting instant results.

Rome was not built in a day and neither is financial freedom. But with commitment and perseverance you can be successful in this competive market.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Setting a budget for your home based business.

The last thing you want when you start your business is to have expenses unaccounted for and ultimately lost.

Before you even start you need to decide what your initial investment will be. This investment should cover your first 3 months of advertising, miscellaneous business products and resources, and 3 months of salary if you plan on quitting your “day” job immediately.

Once you have an initial investment decided on you can then move forward with planning your budget specific to your project.

Resources will be dependent on what type of home based business. Some useful tools are listed as links on the sidebar of this blog. If you plan on using Google Adwords please make sure you purchase Perry Marshall’s, “Definitive Guide to Google Adwords”. It is a must have for entering into this competitive advertising arena.

Speaking of advertising, NO business will survive without advertising. This is your biggest expense especially if you want to accrue revenue quickly.
Although there are options for free advertising they are normally slow to show results, unless of course you have a warm market waiting in line to sign up.

Don’t get caught in just one form of advertising! Utilize several methods such as:
  • Bought Leads
  • Newspapers
  • Google Adwords
  • Ezines
  • Business Cards
  • Post Cards
  • Car banners
  • Radio Ad Coops

Spread your monthly advertising budget out so that each week you are focusing on a new stream of advertising.

A good rule of thumb for your advertising budget is 10% to 15% of your expected monthly gross revenue. If you did the math right you’ve correctly estimated you will have to spend approximately $1000 to $1500 a month to reap $8500 profit.

Finally, KEEP TRACK of your spending! It’s easy enough to just start using Paypal or handing over a credit card. But BEWARE! These costs add up quick and if you are on a limited budget you want to make sure you pace yourself for the long-term. I use Excel Spreadsheets and QuickBooks both have automated features, tracking capabilities, and are user friendly.

Yes, the saying is true that you've got to spend money to make money. But it is not true that the more you spend the more you will make. Be SMART about your budget!

CLICK HERE for information on an inexpensive program that shows you step by step how to leverage your business and get the most out of your advertising.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Developing your plan of attack.

You've decided to start a home based business -
What do you do next?

Like any business you need to create a business plan.

The plan should detail the following questions:

  • What is your budget?
  • What is your goal?
  • What is your timeline?
  • What is your target audience?
  • What is your market strategy?

The biggest question that will impact on your decision plans is your budget.
Be honest with yourself. What can you afford? What are your expectations?

Some work from home opportunities take a month or two to build revenue.
Some take even longer if your commissions are small and your advertising is limited.

Your budget should include:

  • Initial Investment
  • Resources (Products/Back Office/Etc.)
  • Advertising

Your goals should include both short-term and long-term.

Your timeline should include:

  • Hours per week to dedicate.
  • Set date for short-term goal.
  • Set dates to implement advertising methods.
  • Set date to evaluate ROI.
  • Set date for long-term goal.

Your target audience needs to be determined in order to implement your market strategy.

Your market strategy is the final but second most important question to answer.
This strategy will determine the success of your at home business.

There are many methods to use in a market strategy.
Use several and BE CREATIVE!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Researching work at home opportunities.

Take Action!
Google is a great place to start.
But don’t stop at the first page or the first set of keywords.

Places to search:
  • Forums
  • Blogs
  • WAH organizations
  • Scam websites

Stay away from the advertisements. Stick to CONTENT!

Don't be afraid to ask questions. If the person cannot give you an answer ask yourself WHY?

One of my first questions is What is the product - If they can't tell me then and there, I'M NOT INTERESTED!

Join forums and blogs and ask what others think.

One of the most commonly asked questions and I've asked it myself is,

"How much do you make?"

STOP ASKING this question. Why? Because it only sets you up for false hope.

Instead ask questions such as how much time and money do I invest if I want to make $X. What is the conversion rate. What training is provided? What support is offered?

Remember, How much you make is dependant on you.

  • Competition
  • Motivation
  • Commitment
  • Budget
  • Time
  • Learning Ability

The home based business industry is one of the largest and fastest growing industries. Which means - It is COMPETITIVE!
The home based business industry doesn't have supervisors or bosses pushing you. Which means - MOTIVATION and COMMITMENT come directly from YOU!
The home based business industry is a business. Which means - You will need to set a BUDGET, invest your TIME, and LEARN everything you can to beat out your competition.

Research doesn't have to take long. Just make sure you are THOROUGH!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Avoid the scams while working from home!

A Beginner’s Guide
The internet has paved the way for a new generation of scam artists. Even worse, these scam artists retain a level of anonymity achieved only by masked villains in comic books.
They pray on the dreams of those wanting to make changes in their life, those wanting a small piece of independence of which only financial freedom can provide.

We as the dreamers spend money on websites, programs, and unknown entities in the hope we will be the next success story by working from home. And some of us do get lucky. But most of us get frustrated and either spend more money or simply give up the idea of working from home altogether.

But we never stop dreaming. And I keep pushing forward constantly researching and trying work at home programs, home based businesses, MLM's, data-entry and even surveys. I’ve learned several things in regards to what it takes to grow your online business and what to avoid in work at home pursuit.

Guidelines for finding the right work at home business opportunity.
1. Do extensive research so you can make informative decisions.
2. Develop a plan of attack, including setting a budget.
3. Commit to the long-term goal instead of grasping for instant gratification.

Each of these guidelines are important steps in avoiding the scams, keeping your money in your bank account, and enjoying a successful home based business. In posts to come I will write about the hidden details of these guidelines. For some it may be common knowledge, but for others it may be the light bulb in the attic they have been waiting for.

For more information on specific programs I've tried and their details GO HERE.

Avoid the scams while working from home!